CHAPTER 071: Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes

Date: 12th July 2014 (Saturday)
Location: Hall 1, TGV Cheras Selatan, First Floor, AEON Cheras Selatan Shopping Centre, Balakong

This morning, I went to TGV AEON Cheras Selatan to watch the movie <Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes>. I bought the ticket on last Sunday and I entered the cinema hall after I bought the popcorn combo set.

Movie Review
You need to watch <Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes> before you watch <Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes> because <Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes> is the sequel movie for <Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes>. At first, we can see Caesar's son Blue Eyes and Rocket's son Ash was encountered with the human and Ash was being shot by the human called Carver. Caesar ordered them to leave and bring his team guarded tower which is lived by the human where he conveys the message that while the apes do not want war, they will fight to defend their home. Malcolm reconcile with the apes to gain access to a hydroelectric dam in their territory, which could provide long-term power to the city. Caesar agreed but they have to surrender their guns. As Malcolm, his wife Ellie, and son Alexander work, they bond with the apes. Mutual distrust of both sides gradually subsides but trust momentarily ends when Carver threatens Caesar's sons with a concealed shotgun. The sides reconcile as Ellie is allowed to treat Caesar's ill wife Cornelia with antibiotics. This made the human might have the last chance to make peace with the apes. Meanwhile, Koba discovers the armory and confronts Caesar, questioning his allegiance and taunting him over his 'love' for humans. In response, Caesar heavily beats Koba, but since he does not kill other apes he chooses to forgive him. Koba then returns to the armory, steals an assault rifle and murders two human guards. He then secretly kills Carver, stealing his lighter. The dam is eventually repaired, restoring power to the city. During the celebration, Koba sets fire to the apes' home. Then while unseen by anyone else, Koba and Caesar lock eyes as Koba shoots Caesar in the chest, causing him to fall from the settlement's main tree. In the panic of the loss of the Alpha and the fire, Koba takes charge, placing the blame on Malcolm's group and orders the apes to war against the humans. Malcolm's group hides as Koba leads the apes into San Francisco. The apes plunder the armory and charge the tower's gates. Despite heavy casualties, the apes breach the gates using a hijacked tank, overrun the tower and imprison all the humans as Dreyfus flees underground. When Ash refuses Koba's orders to kill unarmed humans, citing Caesar's teachings, Koba kills Ash and imprisons all those known to be loyal to Caesar. This can show us Koba, the apes whom start the war but not the human. Caesar was being heal by Ellie in Caesar's old house while his son is betraying Koba and save the other apes which is locked in the prison. While Caesar and Koba battle, Malcolm fails to prevent Dreyfus from detonating C-4 underneath the tower. The resulting explosion simultaneously kills Dreyfus and collapses part of the tower. Caesar overpowers Koba, knocking him to the edge of the tower. While lifting Koba from a ledge, Caesar refuses to save him, claiming he is no longer a true ape, and lets him fall to his death. Malcolm informs Caesar of the impending arrival of human military reinforcements. Both lament the lost opportunity for peace. Caesar tells Malcolm the humans will never forgive the apes for the war they started and tells him to leave with his family for safety. As Malcolm slips away into the shadows, Caesar stands before a kneeling mass of apes awaiting the battle to come. As a conclusion, we need to investigate before justify who did the bad things. The group of apes believed that the human killed Caesar but actually this was done by Koba. As Caesar said, "Apes does't kill Apes" but Koba did kill a lot of apes because he want to be the leader.

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