Chapter 021: Watch "The Great Gatsby" in Digital 2D at GSC Pavilion KL

Date: 2nd June 2013 (Sunday)
Venue: GSC Pavilion KL, Kuala Lumpur (3.149579,101.712125)

This evening, my family planned to watch the movie <The Great Gatsby> since I won some complimentary passes for the movie. And since there are not much cinemas can watch the movie, and we choose GSC Pavilion KL to watch the movie.

<The Great Gatsby> Movie Review
From the story was told by Nick Carraway, the story is a sad romantic story. Actually what I'm touching about Jay Gatsby, that are he don't give up even his ex-girl friend Daisy Buchanan was married to Tom Buchanan. This is because they met 5 years and they are love at each other before 1992. The sad story would be Jay Gatsby was sent to the war and his ex-girl friend are married to Tom Buchanan. But Nick Carraway don't really know why Jay Gatsby always watching him and he realized that after Jordan Baker told him. He did try his best to match them but the sad story is Tom Buchanan talk something bad behind him. Actually Jay Gatsby can't stands with Tom Buchanan in Plaza Hotel and he get angry, but Tom Buchanan told Daisy Buchanan about that Jay Gatsby would hurt her if she follow Jay Gatsby.

I thought after that incident, the yellow car which belongs to Jay Gatsby is drove by himself struck and killed Myrtle Wilson. But the truth is Daisy Buchanan drove the car and she didn't stop down the car. At the same time, Tom Buchanan told George Wilson that Jay Gatsby would be Myrtle's lover but the truth is he is the one who is Myrtle's lover. At last, Jay Gatsby was killed by George Wilson and Daisy Buchanan run away with Tom Buchanan without attending the funeral.

As a conclusion, I feel very bad for Jay Gatsby because he is a good and kind millionaire who is very faithful on his love, but his lover betray him. I hope I can know the better girl friend as my future wife, and hopefully not happened the same thing like what Jay Gatsby faced on me.

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